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Capital city of the Vastepan Republic.

Human Settlements


Major Cities

Hausetra is the capital city of the Federative Republic of Vastepa, and seat of power for the Vastepan Provisional Government. It is also the second-largest port city in the country, located along the central coast of the Ocarash Sea. It currently has a population of over 5.5 million inhabitants, and an urban area of 1,072 sq km. It is largely situated north of the Ludihia river within the province of Parattu.

Hausetra was one of the earliest city-states to emerge from the period of settlement around Lake Vastepa following the exodus from the Sub-Divide regions. It benefitted greatly from the fertile coastlines and fishing prospects, and was recognized as a major trading hub for the Ocarash Sea region by the mid-600s Kc. It maintained its importance as a vital economic center for the Vastepan economy through the early years of confederation and federalization, and grew special trading relations with nations like those situated on The Saviors island chain and Maubesia.

Above; A view over Posterity Boulevard.


Founded by:

Urban Area:


Parattu (province)

491 Kc
Early Mittansa and Kalstosi diasporas

1,072 sq km


Limited coastal raids by Lacadovian naval parties in the Continental War left the city largely unaffected, but the collective effects of the Eastern Economic Depression in the early 980s took a toll on the city’s powerhouse status. When Splitter munitions struck the north, economic woes were only compounded upon. Waves of refugees fled to the city for shelter and medical assistance, which strained public services to the point of complete breakdown. Military intervention was extensive to prevent a total catastrophe. This military presence combined with the influx of refugees played major roles in the city’s selection as a temporary administrative center (a decision that was later made permanent).

Contamination of the Ludihia river following the Razing led to a lack of demand for fish and other agricultural products from the broader southeast region, partially triggering the economic collapse of the 990s. Efforts by the Vastepan Provisional Government and wider humanitarian aid organizations during the Twilight ensured conditions were just stable enough to discourage further separatist movements and shortage-based riots through the early 1000s.

The Ludihia was dammed in 1006 to prevent further contamination leakage into the Ocarash Sea, and beginning in 1010, food products from the region began a slow reintroduction into the continental market. As of 1039 Kc, Hausetra is once again a primary economic hub for the region, and still experiences continuous population growth.

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